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时间:2024-07-04 来源:北京国联视讯信息技术股份有限公司


On July 2nd, IBI Senior Vice President and TDD CEO Liu Zhai, TDD Vice President and Cross-border E-commerce General Manager Danyal, along with Pakistani Minister of Information Technology and Communication Syeda Fatima Khwaja, Pakistani Embassy Commercial Counselor Ghulam Qadir, and Alpha Iqbal from the Office of the Prime Minister of Pakistan, attended2024 Global Digital Economy Conference at the National Convention Center. They engaged in deep discussions on the cooperation between IBI and the Pakistani government and had an in-depth exchange on specific business cooperation.


At the exchange meeting, Syeda Fatima Khwaja, the Pakistani Minister of Information Technology and Communication, fully affirmed the achievements of IBI in the fields of digital economy, industrial internet, and cross-border industrial belt development. She detailed the difficulties and challenges that Pakistan is currently facing in these areas and expressed the hope that IBI can deeply participate in the beautiful vision of Pakistan's economic development and construction.

涂多多副总裁、跨境电商总经理丹尼尔针对国联股份与巴基斯坦在下一阶段的合作计划进行了介绍,包括供应链交易合作,搭建跨境综合服务平台,跨境易货平台,企业宣传推广, 大数据中心, 人员合作等方面。明确了国联股份对于巴基斯坦市场前景的认可,强调了国联股份在数字经济与跨境领域的实力与经验。

TDD Vice President and General Manager of Cross-border E-commerce, Danyal, introduced the cooperation plan between IBI and Pakistan for the next phase. This includes cooperation in supply chain transactions, establishing the cross-border comprehensive service platform, the cross-border barter platform, corporate promotion, the big data center, and personnel collaboration. He clarified IBI's recognition of the market prospects in Pakistan and emphasized the company's strength and experience in the digital economy and cross-border fields.

国联股份高级副总裁、涂多多CEO刘斋为本场交流会进行了总结。她表示:“中巴经济走廊是国家领导提出的‘一带一路’ 工程,沿‘一带一路’拓展跨境电商海外业务是国联股份的重要战略方向,国联股份将积极与当地核心企业在巴基斯坦建立支点,加强合作,并不断拓展服务范围。

”IBI Senior Vice President and CEO of TDD, Liu Zhai, summarised the exchange session. She said, "The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is a 'Belt and Road' initiative proposed by the national leadership. Expanding cross-border e-commerce overseas business along the 'Belt and Road' is an important strategic direction for IBI. We will actively establish footholds in Pakistan by strengthening cooperation with local core enterprises and continuously expand our scope of services."

经过充分的意见交流, 双方在关于中巴两方政府、企业间,关于搭建跨境服务平台、跨境交易、数字化云工厂升级、海外共享仓服务、航运专线、海外展厅、人员培训等多领域达成了高度共识。

After a thorough exchange of ideas, both sides reached a high degree of consensus on various fields concerning the governments and enterprises of China and Pakistan. These fields include the establishment of cross-border service platforms, cross-border transactions, digital cloud factory upgrades, overseas shared warehouse services, shipping lines, overseas exhibition halls, and personnel training.